WAKE UP, it’s almost 2013, pick a side …

Randy Maugans seems to have figured it out:


I predict rapid deterioration of the economy and society from January 1st, 2013, forward.
Sandy Hook is just another in a timeline of false-flag atrocities perpetrated by the Illuminati, or the
Bankster Elite, or dark entities, or whomever or whatever you wish to blame. But, in the end, the only one
you have to blame, is yourself.

Look for rapid increase in gold and silver spot prices as well as $200 – $300 per barrel crude oil immediately after
the psychopaths running Israel / U.S. / U.K. invade Syria which is simply a strategic precursor to their ultimate goal of conquering Iran. I’ll wager the Persians have a nasty surprise planned for the evil scum-bags in Washington, District of Criminals. I will also wager that Russia and China have their response canned and ready to implement.

The satan-worshiping trolls are running scared and they are desperate, which makes them particularly dangerous.

The FEMA death camps are getting hungry.

Wake up !!!


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The Changing of the Guard (NEW VERSION) by Michael Dunn


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Massive Explosion Reported After CIA Drone Targets Indianapolis by “Sorcha Faal”

… Yep, I just cannot ignore this report by “Sorcha Faal:”

(… believe whatever you want to believe …)


November 11, 2012

Massive Explosion Reported After CIA Drone Targets Indianapolis

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

 A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin this afternoon released by the Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) states that Kosmos 2479 detected the firing of two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles from a MQ-1 Predator drone yesterday being operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) over the United States city of Indianapolis that resulted in a massive explosion [photo 2nd left], and from local US media reports resulted in at least two deaths.

Kosmos 2479 is an early warning satellite launched in 2012 as part of the VKO’s Oko programme and monitors the US from geostationary orbit for all possible threats, including the tracking of American airspace for US Air Force and CIA fighter jets, bombers and drones.

The CIA’s MQ-1 Predator drones, equipped with two fearsome AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, have been described as President Obama’s “weapon of choice” and are currently most noted for bringing to Pakistan the same horror that Hitler’s doodlebugs inflicted on London during World War II.

According to this report, after the firing of these drone-missiles, two distinct trajectories were recorded which were “near simultaneously countermanded” by countermeasures employed by an AN/ALQ-99 airborne electronic warfare system aboard a US Air Force EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft that had been dispatched from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to track this CIA drone that had, apparently, deviated from its assigned flight track.

Most ominous in this VKO report is its stating that the “intended targets” of these Hellfire missiles were the US Army Resource Services (PPBES) and the US Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), both located in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The PPBES is tasked with overseeing critical, mandated, and/or sensitive US Defense and Army-wide programs including foreign currency fluctuation accounts, Individual Ready Reserve Mobilization of American Armed Forces, and is responsible for the evacuation of civilians in case of threats to the United States.

The DFAS pays all US Defense Department (DoD) military and civilian personnel, retirees and annuitants, as well as major DoD contractors and vendors. DFAS also supports customers outside the DoD in support of electronic government initiatives. These customers include the Executive Office of the President, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

Should the attack on either the PPBES or DFAS been successful, VKO analysts in this report say, the US Military establishment would have suffered a “critical blow” at the same time it is managing multiple wars across the globe, along with growing evidence of an internal power struggle between it and the newly reelected President Obama.

Important to note is that this attack, likewise, comes within hours of Obama toppling one of the top generals believed to be leading the coup against him, and as we had detailed in our previous report titled “Obama Topples Top Coup Leader After Washington Gunbattle.”

As we had noted in that report, the toppling by Obama of General David Petraeus matched other top US Military leaders he has purged in the past 3 weeks, and which include: Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, US Army General Carter Ham, Brigadier General Jeffery A. Sinclair, and US Navy Commander Joseph E. Darlak.

To how powerful the explosion was when these Hellfire missiles hit the ground in Indianapolis we can read, in part, as reported by the local WTHR.com news service, and which says:

“Two people were killed and about two dozen homes were damaged by an explosion in a south side Indianapolis neighborhood late Saturday night. The explosion was reported shortly after 11 p.m. near South Sherman Drive and Stop 11 Road on the south side of Indianapolis.

Bonnie Hensley with the Indianapolis Fire Department says the original explosion was on Fieldfare Way in the Richmond Hill subdivision. Homes on both sides of Alcona Drive were damaged. She added that more than 100 firefighters responded to the fire. IFD has confirmed at least two people died in the explosion. Fire officials say the victims were in one or both of the houses that were destroyed by the explosion.”

Curiously to note in this reports conclusion is that this attack, should it have been successful, “nearly mirrors” that of the 11 September 2001 strike on the United States that Russian intelligence analysts still maintain was the “opening salvo” of a global economic war.

Unbeknownst to the American people are that in the weeks prior to the 9/11 attacks, the entire western-backed global economic system was on the brink of total collapse due to massive fraud charges set to be filed against all of the top banks in the United States, but whose evidence was “conveniently” destroyed with the collapse of World Trade Building 7 which had not even been attacked.

To the final outcome of these grim events now occurring in the United States it is not in our knowing, other than to note…and with each passing day…the situation for those in power, especially those who end up on the losing side, more closely resembles controlled chaos than anything else.

November 11, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

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Gold hits $1,793.00 per troy ounce; Jim Traficant interview by Kerry Cassidy – YouTube

Gold is rising today, Monday, October 1, 2012.
So far, intra-day high at $1,793.00 per troy ounce.

Gold and silver are the barometers of volatility.

Silver is still under $36. But, my guess is that as
gold soars and the obvious value of silver becomes
commonplace, silver will become the poor man’s choice
for storing real wealth. That is, wealth with no
counter-party risk.

The risk is government confiscation or insane regulations
hindering the purchase and sale of gold or silver.
If 1933 style Nazi tactics are used once again in Amerika
and gold and silver are seized or become nearly impossible
to trade, then you will know that Martial Law can’t be far
off. Of course, it won’t be an open declaration of Martial
Law, but will have the same effect.

With that said, you may want to watch this wonderful video
of Jim Traficant interviewed by Kerry Cassidy:


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Silver set to soar

Silver is being suppressed by those with excessive short positions. Think JP Morgan Chase and the position it inherited from the collapse of Bear Stearns. Anyway, for those that follow KingWorldNews, a short squeeze is currently flushing the paper shorts who are scrambling to cover their delivery contracts. In my opinion, Silver has bottomed at $28 and we will not see silver that low again for many years to come. Silver will eventually top $50 and from there, who knows? $500 silver? $1000 silver? I don’t dismiss this talk since I know that silver is perhaps the best hard-money investment for the average man AND the silver market is only about one-tenth the size of the gold market. Hard money will return and so-called governments, run by inbred criminal psychopaths and sociopaths, will eventually be forced to back their fiat currencies by something other than empty promises.

Look, you idiots, a war in the USA is on its way. There is no stopping it. Not without Divine intervention. You had better get ready.

I watched parts of the so-called political conventions and so far, it is nothing but a sick love-fest of sycophants and groveling morons pretending that the puppet on one side is better that the puppet on the other. No one ever looks up and challenges the puppet master. As Malcomb X lamented after returning from Mecca: … The Nation of Islam and the Ku Klux Klan have the same paymaster.

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same ole, same ole

Not much here. Just the central banksters manipulating the paper gold market and paper silver market to prevent a rapid escalation in market prices. But, we all knew that anyway. Greece did not exit this time around, but does it matter? The Euro WILL crumble, and then the US Dollar, and then the real chaos will begin. Only Divine Intervention will save this planet, or at least save the current financial system.


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Understanding the Slave Mentality by Brandon Smith … www.alt-market.com



Article by Brandon Smith re-posted below:

Understanding The Slave Mentality

Monday, 02 April 2012 07:48 Brandon Smith

In the initial stages of nearly every recorded tyranny, the saucer eyed dumbstruck masses exhibit astonishing and masterful skill when denying reality.  The facts behind their dire circumstances and of their antagonistic government become a source of cynical psychological gameplay rather than a source of legitimate concern.  Their desperate need to maintain their normalcy bias creates a memory and observation vacuum in which all that runs counter to their false assumptions and preconceptions disappears forever.  It is as if they truly cannot see the color of the sky, or the boot on their face.  The concrete world of truth becomes a dream, an illusion that can be heeded or completely ignored depending on one’s mood.  For them, life is a constant struggle of dissociation, where the tangible is NOT welcome…

This is the problem that we in the Liberty Movement deal with most often in our writings and films.  Our confrontation with willful ignorance has been epic, even by far reaching historical standards.  The gains in social awareness have been substantial, and yet the obstacles are incredible.  Unprecedented.  As an activist trend, we have an almost obsessive drive to draw back the curtain so that the public has at least the opportunity to see what is on the other side.  Unfortunately, there is another danger that must be taken into account…

It is one thing to bear witness to the rejection of truth in our time and the oblivious attitudes of many towards the growth of totalitarianism.  Eventually, though, a second phase in the development of oligarchy arises.  I am speaking of the point at which tyranny becomes so blatant that the skeptics have to acknowledge its existence, but after doing so, they choose to rationalize it as necessary.  Yes, there are many in this world that will laugh at the prospect of the Orwellian nightmare only to happily embrace it when it arrives in full color.

I was recently looking into the divisive issue of U.S. Marine Sgt. Gary Stein, whose position has come under threat due to his criticisms of Barack Obama and his founding of the ‘Armed Forces Tea Party Facebook Page’.  What I discovered was a large number of Americans in support of Stein’s right to speak as a citizen (even under Marine regulations) against the unconstitutional actions of any president or presidential candidate.  I also discovered a considerable number who wanted to see the soldier dishonorably discharged, or even set upon a noose as punishment.

Now, we all know that the Department of Defense monitors web news and social networking activity, and they have been caught red handed in the past posing as regular citizens with strangely militant pro-authoritarian views (look into their organized propaganda attacks on websites dealing with the levee failures during Katrina, for instance).  It is by no means a stretch to suggest that they would also troll the comments sections of mainstream news articles in an attempt to engineer a fraudulent consensus that Sgt. Stein’s actions have been negatively received by the majority of Americans.  But that aside, the underlings at the DOD are still Americans, and the views they espouse are still expressions of a subsection of this country (a small elitist one).  Also, sadly, there are plenty of non-government-paid people out there who believe exactly as they do.

Surely, we can debate over the details of Marine regulations until our ears bleed, and I could point out several facts that the mainstream media did not cover in their hit pieces on Stein (like the fact that he went to his superiors and asked them to advise him in the handling of his political position long before the present charges against him were ever formulated, and the fact that he followed many of their suggestions…), but ultimately, the regulations of the Marines or the Federal Government are irrelevant.  Such laws are transitory, and are usually written so broadly that the authorities of the day can execute them however they wish to fit their needs at the moment.  The real question here is one of principle, moral compass, and Constitutionality (a document which is a reflection of eternal natural law).  We have to set aside the pointless legalese of defense standards in the case of Sgt. Stein and ask ourselves an important question; do U.S. troops have a right to free speech?

If you believe so, then their rights are not limited or exclusive.  They are free to say whatever any other American has a right to say.  If you believe they do not, then you have relegated the troops to the position of second class citizens, or even property of the state.  There is NO in-between.  Discipline and military coherence be damned.  Either these men and women have First Amendment protections and are full citizens or they are mechanisms of the government whose civil liberties have been erased.

Even though I understand the psychology behind it, I am still shaken with raw electrical astonishment when confronted by those who support the latter notion that American soldiers are indeed property of the state, that their actions must be dictated by the president and not the Constitution, and that this is required for the military to function.

Very few of these absurd multitudes ever ask what “function” such a military, populated by ethical robots who are blindly subservient to the dictates of a single man, would actually serve?

What good is an unprincipled military?  An unprincipled government?  An unprincipled society?  What reason is there for these constructs to exist?  The Nuremberg Trials solidified the reality that soldiers will be held accountable for following criminal orders, and still, there are some who claim that our troops must adopt a shoot first pay later methodology.

I bring up the circumstances of Sgt. Stein to illustrate the situation our nation is currently facing; we are on the threshold of total despotism, where the naysayers who shrugged off the threat of rogue government yesterday suddenly embrace it and support it today.  When Stewart Rhodes first formed the Oath Keepers organization, the same talking point was consistently used in an attempt to derail it; “The orders you would refuse to obey could never occur in this country…”  And yet, many of the warnings of Oath Keepers have come to pass, including the unlawful disarming of peaceful U.S. citizens during the disaster in New Orleans, the institution of government directed assassination programs of U.S. citizens under Bush and Obama, the passing of NDAA legislation which includes provisions for indefinite detainment of Americans without trial, warrantless wiretapping, surveillance, and even home invasion by authorities is becoming common, and the Obama Administration has put into place several executive orders (including the The National Defense Resources Preparedness EO) which pave the way for Martial Law to be declared.

The cold hard reality is, the Oath Keepers were right, and Sgt. Stein is right.

And, now that this is becoming undeniable, the opponents of their tenets are switching gears to fight for the implementation of unconstitutional laws which they used to deny were even possible.  Can this situation be any more insane?  Oh yes…

There are no limits to the surrealist hell that can be unleashed when dealing with what I like to call the “Slave Mentality”.  The slave mentality takes many shapes.  It is pervasive in times of social distress, and, it can be infectious.  The psychologist Carl Jung wrote in his book ‘The Undiscovered Self’ that the cruel sociopathy seen in the populations of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia is actually latent in many of us.  All it needs is the right set of sociopolitical circumstances and a weak enough will, and the shadows in the hearts of lesser men are given license to come out and play.  This is just as true in America, where people now operate on assumptions that the state is an absolute provider in the event of national calamity.

But what are the signs of this unconscious desire for collectivism and control?  What makes a slave do what he does?  Here are just a handful of explanations to consider…

The True Slave: The true slave is not a person who has been shackled, beaten, tortured, and made to comply under threat of death.  As long as that poor soul has the spirit of rebellion and is ever seeking freedom, they are not imprisoned fully.  The true slave is a person who enjoys their subservience, who is weighted with fear by the very idea of independence from the system, and who would actually fight and die to maintain the establishment which enslaves them.  The true slave is not able to imagine living any other life beyond his micro-managed existence.

The Facts Lose Value: The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions.  For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful.  Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.

The Obsession With The Law:
The slave mentality, though illogical and psychotic, still requires a certain foundation to hold it together.  The laws of governments tend to suffice.  These laws may go completely against the force of inherent conscience, but because the slave has already abandoned listening to his inner voice of reason, this does not bother him much.  If you have ever wondered why modern tyrannies always feel the need to put their horrific enforcements in writing first, THIS is why.  Oligarchs understand that the law provides the slave with a means to rationalize his participation in the crimes of the state.  After all, if some gut-bloated bloodthirsty elitists in government etch their mad inbred ramblings into law, then we have no choice but to follow them, right?

The Need To Be Accepted: A slave seeks harmony not within, but without, even when that “harmony” is with a system that is designed to destroy him.  The viciousness of collectivism lay in its ability to comfort converts with atrocity.  As long as the slave feels as though he is a part of the machine, and accepted by the group, he cares not what the machine does to others.  Common arguments include; “We all have to live together, and so we must sacrifice our selfish individualism for the greater good…” or “Governments are here to protect us and we should do everything we can to make their job easier…”  Rarely if ever do they question if the system is legitimately helpful or harmful.  The system just “is”, it fulfills their need to be coddled, and that is good enough for them.  For all their talk of “unity” and the “greater good”, collectivists are for the most part deeply selfish.  They do not support or participate in the collective for the sake of others.  They do it to satiate their personal desires.

The Need For Control:
I suppose it’s ironic, but the average slave loves tyranny because it affords him a perceived seat at the table of power, perhaps for the first time in his entire life.  Collectivist slaves are often people who have felt weak and inadequate since childhood.  While honorable human beings fight this personal uncertainty by strengthening themselves physically and mentally, and improving upon their own character, the slave takes the easy route by joining with bureaucracy and living vicariously through its conquests.  Through the state, the hollow, cowardly, and stupid, have the ability to “show the world who’s boss”, and get revenge for a life filled with meaninglessness.

The Need For Structure:
An individual takes responsibility for himself, learning over time to provide his own structure which works at his pace and serves his unique needs.  A slave does not have the energy or the drive to do that, and so, he asks the establishment to tell him how he should live.  He will hold at face value the word of nearly anyone in a position of petty authority.  When confronted with those who go their own way, or who rebel against the cookie-cutter template for social participation, the slave sneers in disgust.  Independent rebellion is abhorrent to him, because the system provides him with his very identity.  To insult the fabric of the system is to insult who he is.  It’s pathetic, but common…

The Need For Vindication: Sometimes it is not enough for certain people to have their own world view.  The slave seeks approval for his world view at every turn, even if that world view is twisted by bleary eyed logic, and will go so far as to force others to agree with it so that they can feel safer in their beliefs.  It is natural for people to seek out others with similar views and ideals, but, it is not natural or healthy for those same people to use the government apparatus as a weapon to frighten the rest of us into submission just so they can become more confident in their ludicrous slapdash philosophies.  Slaves want a world without contradiction.  Laughably, everything they do is a contradiction.

What I have seen in a number of the reactions to the honest activism of Sgt. Gary Stein is a knee-jerk bias that reeks of the slave mentality, but it offers us a window in gauging the leanings of the general public.  Now that the once theoretical dangers of federal fascism are breaking the surface of the water and circling the American sinking ship, the great test is to watch closely where the masses place their priorities.  Will they take the path of the individual, admit to the laboratory mutation that our government has become, and try to make things right again?  Or, will they take the path of the slave, forget their past follies and empty arguments, and jump on the totalitarian bandwagon?  Certainly, it is not as if the cheerleaders of the state usually get out of the tumult with all their limbs intact.  In most cases, they are lucky to get out alive once the smoke clears.  One might think that the lessons of history would be guide enough, but then again, the average slave has taken every conceivable measure to ensure that his particular fantasy land is magical enough to withstand substantial examination.  The system is their drug, and the upheaval that free thought brings is such a buzz-kill…



You can contact Brandon Smith atbrandon@alt-market.com

Alt-Market is an organization designed to help you find like-minded activists and preppers in your local area so that you can network and construct communities for mutual aid and defense.  Join Alt-Market.com today and learn what it means to step away from the system and build something better.

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Planned US Internet Blackout On March 8 Raises Concerns


… Who knows the true identity of the organization known as “Sorcha Faal?”

… David Wilcock recently claimed Sorcha Faal is Naval Intelligence.

… He didn’t specify which Navy.

… My best guess is that Sorcha Faal is MI6, CIA/NSA, or perhaps MOSSAD; but, ultimately, does it matter?

… We all know that the Internet is rife with truth and fiction, accurate statements blended with carefully crafted bullshit. Discernment is your only safeguard:

Planned US Internet Blackout On March 8 Raises Concerns

… Sorcha Faal article re-posted below:


February 11, 2012

Planned US Internet Blackout On March 8 Raises Concerns

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A disturbing Ministry of Trade report circulating in the Kremlin today is raising serious concerns over the United States plan to shut down significant parts of the Internet on 8 March in a move many Russian experts warn could be a prelude to massive attacks against the growing number of dissidents in that country.

According to this report, The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will unplug on 8 March the Domain Name System (DNS) servers it set up to replace rogue DNS servers that sent victims to malicious sites. A report on Infoworld said the removal of this temporary fix may affect “a substantial number” of users, as half of Fortune 500 companies and US government agencies are infected with the malware, not to mention tens-of-millions of privately owned American computers.

The rogue DNS servers replaced by the FBI were seized this past November in Estonia following a two-year operation called “Ghost Click” where six Estonians working for Rove Digital were taken into custody by Estonian authorities in what is called the biggest cyber criminal takedown in history and the US is now hoping to extradite them; a Russian suspect said remains at large.

Those captured by the FBI and Estonian authorities used DNS Changer malware to redirect unsuspecting users to rogue servers that allowed them to manipulate users’ web activity. When users clicked on the link for the official iTunes website, for example, they were instead taken to a completely different website that purported to sell Apple software. These criminals, reports the FBI, are believed to have made at least $14 million from the scam.

Federal Security Services (FSB) addendums to this report note that even though FBI and Estonia authorities took claim for this cyber bust it was, in fact, Russian officials who supplied the critical information needed for bringing down this criminal ring after extracting a detailed confession from Russian Internet businessman Pavel Vrublevsky, and self-confessed MOSSAD agent, in late October, 2011, prior to his sentencing in a Moscow Court.

Vrublevsky was knowledgeable about the Estonian operation through his association with Rove Digital founder Vladimir Tsastsin who was a major investor in his company ChronoPay, a major Russian payment processing firm.

Upon forwarding their information to FBI and Estonian authorities about Rove Digital’s rogue servers, the FSB says in this report, Russian computer security experts sought to reverse the damage done to millions of computers around the world by manipulating the malware used which would have, in essence, neutralized the threat, but were overruled by the Americans who, instead, seized the servers a few days later and appropriated the malware for their “own uses.”

To why the US would not apply a rapid fix to the millions of computers affected by this malware as suggested by Russian experts, and, instead, replace the rogue servers with their own, and then turn around on 8 March and disconnect them all has left many in the Kremlin puzzled and concerned.

The greatest concern, this report says, is the “high potential” for the US to further infect computers without anyone realizing what they are doing so that on 8 March millions of Americans would discover they no longer had access to the Internet, and would not know why.

To effectively engineer an Internet blackout, while at the same time holding themselves blameless, the Ministry says, could be linked to any number of dissident suppression moves known to be being planned by the US which as of 9 February had already jailed at least 6,509 people protesting against the Obama regime.

Massive military movements within the United States, as we had previously reported on, are, also, continuing unabated as new reports this week detail US Marine assault exercises being carried out on their East Coast regions, a move made even more suspect after it was discovered that a sniper unit of this elite military force has begun using as its logo the dreaded Nazi SS symbol.

Equally concerning about the Americans planned 8 March Internet blackout is its coming two days after what is called Super Tuesday elections (6 March) for the Republican Party challenger to President Obama for the Presidency which would allow for massive voter manipulation by US authorities to “pick” who wins this most crucial race.

Important to note about this particular scenario, and as we had previously reported on in our 18 January report “Kissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President,” it was more than interesting to read this new US report that, in part, says:

“Al Cardenas, head of the American Conservative Union, has said that Republican turmoil might lead to a brokered convention in which Jeb Bush, former Florida governor, would emerge as a “possible alternative” party nominee. Mr. Cardenas, who is running this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a gathering in Washington of some 10,000 conservatives, told MailOnline that it was not certain that one of the four current Republican candidates would emerge victorious.”

To what the final outcome of this planned 8 March shutdown of the Internet will be it is not in our knowing, other than to note that those who haven’t applied a “FIX” to their own computer systems yet should do so as soon as possible lest they find themselves blind.

February 11, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]









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False-Flag imminent



Well, if you live long enough, you get to see it all. Anyway, other than the spooks that record and analyze every keystroke … NO ONE, apparently, reads this blog. So, I’ll say what I wish.

Jim Fetzer provides some rather clear insight into the psychopathy that
permeates the Global Elite’s mindset. Fetzer and his co-author speculate
that a False Flag event involving the supposedly scrapped USS Vincennes
is well underway:


… Anyway, my viewpoint is that the Strait of Hormuz is not quite as
critical, in reality, as the media will have you believe. Never forget that
warfare is based on deception. While we are busy focusing on the Middle East
and the Strait of Hormuz, one does not pay attention to the fact that there
are numerous untapped, or under-tapped, massive crude oil reservoirs underneath
the United States: Bakken, Eagle-Ford, Prudhoe Bay & Gull Island, just to name
a few. American oil companies are positioning for a new oil boom to arrive
just in the ‘nick-of-time’ to SAVE America AFTER all Hell breaks loose in the
Persian Gulf, and AFTER crude oil skyrockets to $200 or $300 per barrel, OR MORE.

Gee, do you think that the oil companies are just maybe, perhaps, kinda-a-sorta smart
enough to plan just such an evil scenario ? Naaaaaaa, that would be nothing
but a theoretical conspiracy. So, just don’t think about, and wait for the
Super Bowl !     …  Yipeeeeeee !!!

The new proposed Hyperion Energy oil refinery near Elk Point, SD, is scheduled to
break ground this year, perhaps by Spring, 2012. We’ll see, but I have stated
several times, that NO NEW refinery will be built in the United States until
crude oil prices rise above at least $150 per barrel …. MINIMUM.

What’cha wanna bet ???


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